Striving for a smaller web

out of the bubble


escaping the influence of big tech

No cloud storage. No Gmail, no Google Play Store, and no Microsoft Word. Can this digital philosophy still exist in an ever-expanding digital world?

digital clutter: designing ultralight websites and applications


teeny tiny little website... awww

How to design a great website, without stylesheets, html5, or clutter.

free fonts (with Linux Mint)



This is a list of 10 of our favorite fonts, along with lorem ipsum as a preview. Most of the fonts are preinstalled or free with Linux Mint, and several are open-source. If you do web development, maybe you'll like these.

all about the NIMO 64- a forgotten, but beautiful, display tube


NIMO tubes were developed by IEE (Industrial Electronic Engineers, Inc.) in the 1960's. This name was used for small CRT displays that were extremely simple, usually only displaying 10 numeric digits using indiv...